Fourier Analysis is a mathematical tool which can do a number of things: separate out signals from noise; help identify patterns or trends in data; filter out all unwanted data and focus on a single signal; use approximations to make generalizations; make approximations of real world signals (think electronic music); combine harmonics to get a stronger signal. That's what I'll be trying to do here!! Won't you join me with your comments?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What I thought when I read Jenn's Singular Saturday...


Yeah we are silly, but that's what the weekend is for, right? Wanna play too? Check out Jenn's place!


Jenn in Holland said...

You said awww... over my poor little very brave guy.

Can you play this week?

Jenn in Holland said...

I mean, in person? I realize you are playing in blogland... I am hoping we can score some time together in real time land.

anno said...

He is a brave kid. "Aww" is just right.

Anonymous said...

Aww is right. He was a brave boy.