2. The standard kilogram weight that is the basis of the metric system is shrinking, and physicists have no explanation. But as science knows, matter cannot be created or destroyed, so if there are more things that are losing weight, it might explain why so many of us are unexplainably gaining weight. It has to be going somewhere....
3. Something is causing the Earth's rotation to slow down, so much so that an extra second was added to the clocks in 2005 and scientists predict that another second may be needed in the next year or so. Scientists do not know what is the cause of the Earth's slowdown, but if it is big enough to have such an effect on an object as large as the Earth, think of what kind of effect whatever it is it may be having on us lowly Earthlings...
4. At the latest reading, the carbon dioxide concentration in the global atmosphere is 381.91 parts per million, 1.6 ppm higher than this time last year and over 100 ppm higher than the pre-industrialization level. (Source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) Not even considering the increasing levels of pollutants in the air, and the local variations in urban areas where the levels are even higher, this is evidence that there is less pure oxygen for breathing. No wonder our brains don't seem to be working properly...
5. The World Health Organization has released research showing that " ...depression impairs the health state to a substantially greater degree than many other diseases...” including diabetes, arthritis, and other chronic illnesses. And since scientists have also shown that stress is a major contributor to depression, it is no wonder that Moms these days are suffering!
6. New studies show that "Exercise releases a bounce that bras cannot handle..." This was found to be true for flat-chested women as well as those who are well-endowed. And the excessive "mammary movement" causes not only short-term aches and pains but also long-term breakdown of breast tissue and be "...damaging to the limited natural support system." So now even exercising is bad for our health...
7. Two new research papers report that " ...men are happier than women." A lot of the difference has to do with job satisfaction and with the limitations that family and motherhood duties place on women's career choices, as well as the extra hours women put in to tasks involving running a household. I don't know of any woman who would be surprised by these findings.
8. New studies about learning and memory skills show that our brains work better in the evening than in the mornings. In fact, our brains abilities improve throughout the day. Now I have a scientific proof as to why I am not a morning person!
9. Forbes magazine blames our "bad feelings" on too much coverage of bad news which distorts the real picture. Okay, I'll go along with that. But where do we find the "good news" channel?
10. Meanwhile the UK's Guardian newspaper blames our collective depression on greed and jealousy. It seems that the media these days shows us how everyone else is living better than we are and we are therefore not satisfied with what we have. Not sure about this one, but I'm not yet rejecting it as a good excuse.
11. The European Union blames the current "collective depression" on a "spiritual deficit" within its boundaries. Along with other issues it talks about a "cultural identity crisis". While I don't fit into its specific criteria, I can definitely identify with many of the issues it talks about. Nothing like being an ex-pat married to an ex-pat from a different country with children who have no specific cultural identity...
12. A best-selling author has a new book out on Toxic Success. In his book he " ...identifies the major psychological syndrome of the modern era: fragmentation caused by too much electronic, video and computer stimulation." Yep, sounds like some of my problems. Does this mean I need to give up blogging?
13. From a medical perspective, there are more than 84 different types of sleep disorders, all of which can cause symptoms of depression, lethargy, malaise, etc. I think I have at least 6 of them...
14. An then there's the astronomical phenomenon that we are slowly approaching, Winter solstice. The fall Equinox where the days and nights are of equal length was passed on 23.September. From now until 22.December, the days get shorter and hours of darkness longer. The effects of this on the general population have been documented over centuries. "The depressive psychological effects of winter on individuals and societies for that matter, are for the most part tied to coldness, tiredness, malaise, and inactivity. Winter weather, plus being indoors causes negative ion deficiency which decreases serotonin levels resulting in depression and tiredness. Also, getting insufficient light in the short winter days increases the secretion of melatonin in the body, off balancing the circadian rhythm with longer sleep." Couldn't have said it better myself.
And finally, for those fellow Fibromyalgia sufferers...
15. New scientific research has confirmed that "Fibromyalgia sufferers do not respond to traditional painkillers". I've been saying that for a long time. Now there's proof.
No wonder I am having such trouble lately. I think I need to lie down now...!
If you want to visit other Friday Fifteen entries, check out this site!
So THAT'S why I've gained weight!
I figured out number 6 a long time ago- that's why I never jog and stick to Pilates... no boucing involved!
Good to know! Now I can blame science for all of my stuff.
Also glad to know I'm not alone in having a bad week.
Scary stuff! Very interesting though.
what a fascinating Friday Fifteen!
numbers 1, 2 and 3 scared me.
I was very glad to read number 8 though - I feel more normal being a grumpy dragon in the mornings now.
Whoa I think this is probably the most interesting Friday 15 . Do you ever wonder which to truly believe since there are sooo many studies done on such a wide variety of things.
I guess certain institutions, universities, organizations are just more reputable then others...
Wow... quite a list. I'm definitely feeling #7 quite a bit these days.
Now they're saying the "mysterious illness" is nothing more than mass hysteria. Why does that sound like a cop-out to me? Ever worse, why does that sound like a cover-up to me?
That is why I refuse to run. Too many damn things bouncing on me. LOL
Thanks for this 15. It was highly informative. I learned several new things, and I enjoyed reading them.
This was an incredibly awesome and interesting Friday Fifteen. I've got to send this to my dad. He's always sharing these little studies with me. He'd so be loving this.
Yikes... And here's a new one for you - it seems that my FM might be what's causing my hives, that it's permeated my skin. So, also, maybe it's not FM.
This was pretty fascinating, if depressing, stuff.
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